400AD-500AD: It’s probable that there’s been a place of worship in Eaglesham from the earliest Christian times, perhaps as early as the 5th or 6th centuries.
1160s: Walter Fitz-Alan the first Seneschal (High Steward) of Scotland distributes his lands amongst his Anglo-Saxon supporters. The lands of Egglisham are granted to Robert de Montgomerie, a knight descended from Arnulph de Montgomerie and fifth son of Roger de Montgomerie.
1388: Sir John de Montgomerie captures Henry, Lord Percy — also known as Hotspur — at the Battle of Otterburn. It is believed that Sir John later built Polnoon Castle with the ransom for his prisoner.
1506: Hugh de Montgomerie, second Lord Montgomerie, acquires the title of Earl of Eglinton for his services to King James IV.
1685: Covenanters Robert Lockhart and Gabriel Thomson are shot by Highlandmen and Dragoons under the command of Archibald MacAulay for their adherence to the Solemn League and Covenant as they return from a conventicle.
1672: Alexander, 8th Earl of Eglinton, obtains an Act of Parliament for “ane yeirlie fair and weiklie mercat at the Kirktoun of Eagleshame”.
1769: Alexander, 10th Earl of Eglinton, begins the work of developing the old kirktoun of Eaglesham into a planned village.
1774: The Feuars’ Association is founded.
1790: The present Eaglesham Parish Church is built.
1798: Robert Pollok, a poet best known for The Course of Time, is born.